CH Hangin' In the Shade du Soleil, PT, RN, RATN, CA, CGC
Fern was my keeper puppy from Blossom's (and my) second litter. She and her litter mates were born April 23, 2012. Fern is a wonderful girl to live with. She has an extraordinary temperament, and is loved by everyone who meets her. She holds the pack leader role of the household (after me, of course), and she takes on the mother role to every dog that enters the house (or anywhere she goes, for that matter). She loves to be in charge of everyone and takes her job very seriously, keeping peace, harmony, and making sure no rules are broken.
Fern has her mothers incredible drive and work ethic. There is not a single performance activity that she hasn't performed well, and with gusto. Agility, Herding, Nose Work, Barn Hunt, Rally, Dock Diving, Tracking, Lure Coursing, and even Therapy work, are all activities we have done together, and she has done remarkably well in all of them. Anything I ask of her, she aims to please. She has AKC titles in Conformation, Herding, Barn Hunt, Rally, and Lure Coursing, and is ready to test for her Therapy Dog title. I look forward to trialing more in Herding, Rally, and Barn Hunt in the future. She also loves to play Frisbee and can chase it down and catch it before it hits the ground.
Fern has a beautiful head with awesome pigment, balanced movement, and she also inherited her mothers incredible coat texture. Her coat, like her mothers, is a beautiful red tawny, correct goat-like course texture. It is the easiest coat to care for.
Fern had her first litter in 2015, a beautiful litter of 6 girls and 2 boys, all are in wonderful homes. Her daughter, Lola (CH Life's A Beach du Soleil) co-owned by me, earned her Championship quickly by 15 months of age. Fern will become a mother again in 2020, and raise another beautiful litter of puppies. We hope to get back to more performance training after puppies.